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Think of William Kamkwamba, who at 14, built a windmill to power his family’s home in Malawi using scrap materials and library books.

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When Winifred saw hackers in movies and cartoons do cool things with the computer, she fell in love. The idea of hacking was attractive to her and she wanted to code. 

Around the same time, her older sister had joined Algo Peers and was learning about robots and coding, stuff she was developing a passion for. She knew she wanted to have the tangible experience of this intriguing field her sister had delved into and asked mum to let her join.

She was enrolled in the STEAMina Boot Camp in 2023, which marked the beginning of her STEAM learning journey.

Its’s been great. I’ve learned a lot of things. I’ve been able to understand some things in class that sometimes I do not understand. And when it comes to IT it has helped me because many things in our curriculum now has IT in it.

Impact Extends to Her Parents

But it’s not only in school that joining Algo Peers has impacted Winifred. She finds herself helping her parents out, too:

‘My mum’s care is much based on tech, so I help her to understand how some of the things on her dashboard work.’  Not only that, the 15-year-old says she even helps the IT team at her Dad’s workplace understand certain things in robotics.

The Future Awaits

She hasn’t decided on what professional path to follow in the future but she has spotted a few attractive options: content creator, lawyer, and engineer. In all these paths, the 15-year-old student believes Algo Peers is preparing her for it.

The Smart Bin Project

When asked to list her most interesting projects worked on at the makerspace, she paused for a while to pick her favourite amongst the many solution-oriented projects she had worked on.


With a very sure tone, she said ‘the Plant Growth Monitor. I like the way that I’m able to watch what my plant needs for it to grow up.’

‘… and the smart bin!’

And she needs not to say more.

Watch this video of Winifred to witness in live-action, why she counts this project amongst her favourites.


Here’s a video of Winifred, boldly presenting and explaining her solution at her school’s PTA meeting. She hopes this prototype can be modelled for health workers and hospitals to mitigate the spread of infections and diseases at such high-risk places

I’m sure watching her in this short clip has given you a glimpse into her personality and why she fancies the few career options she mentioned earlier.

Winnifred comes from Komenda in the Central Region, but she lives with her parents in Cape Coast. She’s still a regular girl who isn’t picky enough to have a favourite food BUT most definitely loves to play her favorite game Temple Run on her smartphone.

Stick around as we follow Winifred’s progressive journey as a young problem-solver and tech enthusiast.

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